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American Flag Krispie Rice Treats


  • 1 Large Box Box of Kellogg's Rice Krispie Cereal
  • 2 16 oz Bags of mini marshmallows
  • 1 stick Grassland butter
  • Organic food coloring in red and blue


  • First, make 3 batches of Rice Krispie treats: white, blue, and red.
  • Add the Rice Krispie cereal and mix until the cereal is completely coated with the melted marshmallows. Set aside.
  • Repeat the same process for the red layer. Melt the next two tablespoons of the butter in a medium pan on medium-low heat. Add mini marshmallows, stir until they are completely melted. Turn off the heat. This time, add in 5 dots of red food coloring.
  • Repeat the same process for the blue layer, but add in 5 dots of blue food coloring.
  • Press the Rice Krispie treat mixture onto two cookie sheets in a thin layer of equal thickness. Let set for approximately 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Cut the two sheets of Rice Krispie treats into three equal pieces. Each of these will be a "stripe" in the flag.
  • Stack 2 white and 2 red strips of Rice Krispie mixture, alternating colors, starting with a red layer.
  • Cut the remaining red and white Rice Krispie Treat sheets in half again. Layer three of these "half" pieces (red/white/red) to make the stripes that appear to the right of the blue area of the flag, leaving a place for the blue on the left. Place this stack on top of the other stack on the right-hand side.
  • Butter your fingers and mold the blue Rice Krispie mixture into a rectangle that fits into the red and white stacked flag layers. Press into the layers. Let set 5 minutes.
  • Once the Rice Krispie Treat mixture is completely cool, use a hot butcher knife to cut through the stacked layers, creating a flag pattern.
  • Trim off a little bit on the left and right edges, and enjoy!


Original recipe inspiration from Two Sisters Crafting. See the original here.
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